Sector Wastewater
Year 2023-24
Location Cardwell, QLD
Client Cassowary Coast Regional Council
Value $17M
This project entails construction of a new, 500EP Wastewater Treatment Plant to service the growing population in the Port Hinchinbrook region, replacing an adjacent that can no longer fulfil community requirements.
Being delivered alongside our frequent design partner GANDEN, the new facility is a 2-train Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) plant with tertiary filtration, disinfection, recycled water storage and pumping for disposal by irrigation. To achieve the initial 500EP operation, the plant will be commissioned, performance tested and operated a single train SBR, with Train No. 2 remaining offline until the future expansion to 1500EP.
Haslin is proud to be delivering this project in concert with the local community, haven’t engaged 10 key Sub-Contractors from the Cassowary Coast Regional Council LGA.
The scope of works includes:
- Design and Construction of an approx. 2.4 ML Glass Fused Steel Panel (GFSP) recycled water tank, inclusive of foundations, tank, access, and pipework connections in line with the project drawings, documentation, specification and referenced documents;
- Design and Construction of a Tertiary Filtration shed, inclusive of all design, documentation and certified in line with the project drawings, documentation, specification and referenced documents;
- Design and Construction of a General Purpose Pump Station;
- Design and Construction of an Irrigation system for effluent treatment.
- Inlet Works comprising spiral sieve screen unit, manual bypass screen and grit removal;
- Balance Tank;
- Secondary treatment – 2-train Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) comprising of anoxic and aerobic tanks. This contract includes mechanical and electrical fit-out of Train 1 only and operation at 500EP;
- Decant Tank and Filter Feed Pump Station, General Purpose Pump Station;
- Tertiary Filtration;
- Chlorine Contact Tanks (CCT);
- Service Water Storage Tank;
- Sludge Storage/Holding Tank including jet aeration.
- Site service water system;
- Retained Drying beds;
- Chemical dosing – Aluminium Chlorohydrate (ACH), Sodium Hypochlorite and Sugar dosing system.
- New MCC/Switchroom;
- Electrical, instrumentation and Controls;
- Emergency Standby Power (Generator);
- Chemical unloading and laydown bund;
- Septage Receival; and
- Access roads and pavements.
“Collaboration on this project has been really great. The client are fantastic to work with and the Sub-Contractors are engaging well with our project team. The vibe on site is really great.”
Katherine Pollock, Safety Manager, QLD