Haslin Constructions


Farm Cove Sea Wall

Sector Public Domain
Year Completed 2000
Location Sydney Harbour
Client Department of Public Works
Value $3.8m

This project entailed the rebuilding of an ailing 200m section of seawall adjacent to Mrs Macquarie’s Chair, in preparation for the 2000 Olympic Games.

HASLIN had to carefully dismantle the wall, saving suitable stones for rebuilding, then excavate to the seabed, pour new wall foundations and rebuild the wall with a combination of new and existing sandstone. A sheetpile coffer dam was built around the wall to enable works to be carried out in the dry, with silt curtains established on the harbour side to contain all silts and sediments. Once the wall was rebuilt, backfill was placed behind and piles installed to support a concrete base slab behind the wall. The slab was then topped with Asphalt to match the surrounding roads.

Not only did these works ready the picturesque area for the Olympic Triathlon, but the sea wall remains a crucial part of Sydney’s world-renowned foreshore.