Sector Energy
Year Completed 2010
Location Lake Macquarie
Client Eraring Energy
Value $65m
Awards 2010 CCF Earth Awards – Winner // 2010 Engineering Excellence Awards – Highly Commended
The Eraring Attempering Reservoir and Pump Station works in tandem with the nearby Eraring Power Station, which uses water from Lake Macquarie in order to cool its turbines. The Attempering Reservoir and Pump Station draws cold water from the lake at night and returns it during the day to ensure that the lake’s temperature isn’t affected by the power station’s operation.
Haslin completed the Design & Construct of this vital Transfer Pumping Station, which is capable of delivering 20m³ of water / second, and discharging 40m³ / second together with the 800Ml “turkey’s nest” storage dam. Works involved connecting to the existing high-level canal using a sheetpile cofferdam. The pump station was connected to the reservoir by a 3m diameter concrete-encased steel conduit. The dam consits of 800,000m³ of a zoned embankment with chimney filters, rock lining and a reinforced concrete spillway.
Haslin’s engineering dexterity in delivering this project has ensured that Australia’s largest coastal salt water lagoon will be protected for years to come.